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Deepawali is a “Festival of Lights” and the District Magistrate appeals to the public to desist from the bursting of crackers.

The following conditions are hereby provided for strict compliance by all concerned in and around Shillong City :

  • Adherance to the guidelines laid down by the Hon’ble Apex Court of India dated 18.7.2005 vide CA No.3735 Forum, Prevention of Environment and Sound Pollution Vrs Union of India and others.
  • Adherence to Government Notification dated 25th October, 2005 on the sale/purchase and bursting of:- (i) Fireworks/crackers having noise level exceeding 125db at 4 meters distance from the point of bursting is prohibited (ii) Joined firecrackers, Chocolate/Atom bombs, and Rocket bombs are banned. (iii) Bursting of crackers in public places, bursting of fire-crackers within 100 metres of silence zones and other Sensitive Areas like Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Courts, Religious places Government Offices etc is prohibited (iv) Bursting of firecrackers between 10:00 PM — 06:00 AM is prohibited and punishable by law.Violation maybe reported to the helpline below.
  • While lighting Lamps and Fire-crackers, washing of hands with soap is advisable instead of alcohol sanitizers which are highly in-flammable.
  • Adherance to Management, Segregation, Disposal and Collection of waste as per the Solid and Plastic Waste Management and other Rules & regulations governing Environmental Protection. Kindly ensure that hazardous waste is properly disposed as it may cause injury to our Municipal workers.
  • All dealers, retailers, sellers of firecrackers who obtain license for sale of fireworks, should ensure that the firecrackers circulated in the market comply with the guidelines fixed by Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) as per the chemical formulae mentioned in the organisation’s website http://peso.gov.in regarding firecrackers imported/manufactured in the country and the details of chemical content shall be mentioned on the box of each firecracker.
  • The public at large must purchase only from duly authorised retailers and ensure that the firecrackers have the chemical content of the crackers on the cover box.
  • Non-compliance to the duly promulgated orders will attract penalties under relevant sections of law.
  • Bucket of water and sand should be kept nearby for any emergency.
  • Bursting of crackers in closed spaces or enclosures should be avoided for safety of general public
    This is issued in public interest.


District Magistrate,
East Khasi Hills District,

By yutip

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