The Chief Electoral Officer of Meghalaya Dr B.D R Tiwari held a meeting on 1st April 2024 with the members of various political parties and representatives from Doordarshan, Akashvani Shillong and DIPR regarding the time vouchers for broadcasting and telecasting of talks on these media channels. Shri F.A Dkhar, HoP NES, Akashvani gave a brief presentation to the political parties on the technical aspect and the allocation of time vouchers on Doordarshan and Akashvani. Citing examples of previous elections, Shri Dkhar reminded the members of the political parties on the steps and procedures and also advised them to be well aware of the guidelines while also informing them that the time vouchers are only given to recognised parties, i.e., national parties and state recognised parties.
Shri FA Dkhar also stated that Physical Time Vouchers on paper have now been replaced by Digital Time Vouchers, for which the Political Parties are provided with login details. He said that the time vouchers are of 5 minutes each and can be combined into one “talk” or broadcast or telecast not exceeding 20 minutes. The date of broadcast/telecast as per the ACI rules should or can start from the last date of the filing of nominations i,e. March 27th 2024 till 48 hours before the date of polls which is April 16th 2024.
Shri Dkhar stated that some political parties are getting more than others, as the broadcast time is calculated based as per the performance in the last election. He further informed that broadcast is broken up into four parts: the first part, National parties for broadcast national channels, Delhi, both Doordarshan and Akashvani or which time slot has already been given. Secondly, the National Parties for broadcast on Regional/Capital Akashvani Station/ Doordarshan Kendras from the State capitals. Thirdly, the State-recognised political parties for broadcast on Regional/Capital Akashvani Station/ Doordarshan Kendras in national channels from Delhi, Akashvani will record in Shillong after which it will be sent to Delhi for broadcast. Likewise, Doordarshan will also record in Shillong and be sent to Delhi to telecast. Lastly, the State Political parties will also have the time to broadcast on National Channels, Delhi. He further informed that the political parties can record on their own provided they meet the technical standards of Akashvani and Doordarshan Kendra. Decision will be made by their Delhi office as to how many minutes of broadcast will be from Meghalaya and a chart will be prepared when the Shillong Stations get the details a meeting will be called for the physical draw of lots and after that the broadcast chart will be finalised.
Dr. BDR Tiwari, Chief Electoral Officer, Meghalaya requested the Political Parties for needful coordination with AIR/ DDK to plan for the draw regarding broadcast time and slots allocation at earliest and ended the meeting with a vote of thanks.