ABVP Meghalaya is deeply saddened by the tragic incident that unfolded in South West Garo Hills on April 17, 2024, during the ‘Chenga Benga’ Mela held at Gandhipara.
Two tribal minor girls from Aidoba village, situated on the Assam-Meghalaya border, were subjected to a horrifying ordeal when a gang of unidentified youths attacked them. Additionally, two boys accompanying them were severely beaten. The incident occurred around 9:30 PM while the victims were taking a rest a few kilometers away from the Mela venue. The assailants, wearing black masks, launched a sudden and brutal assault on the group, leaving the boys unconscious and incapacitated before assaulting the girls.
“It has come to our attention that one of the minor girls was a student of the institution from South West Garo Hills. The other victims were enrolled in different educational institutions”.
ABVP Meghalaya vehemently condemns this heinous act and demands justice for the victims and their families. We urge society to raise its voice against such barbaric acts and to work collectively to prevent their recurrence.
Despite nearly a week passing since the incident, there has been a troubling silence from the government. ABVP Meghalaya calls upon the authorities to take immediate and decisive action against the perpetrators, conducting a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served.
In this time of sorrow and outrage, ABVP Meghalaya stands in solidarity with the victims and their families, advocating for their rights and demanding accountability for those responsible.
Statement by State Secretary, Tengku M. Marak, ABVP Meghalaya