The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) karyakartas of SWGH, District recently conducted an inspection of the hostel facilities at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV), Mahendraganj School, South West Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Shockingly, they discovered a distressing state of affairs, with the infrastructure in a deplorable condition – old, broken, and poorly maintained. The environment was unclean and unhygienic, especially the mess facilities responsible for providing food to the hostelers.
Upon querying the school’s Principal, Shri. Abdul Gani, about these unacceptable conditions, there was a distinct lack of satisfactory response. Despite assurances of ongoing repairs, the situation observed during the inspection was far from satisfactory.
In light of these findings, ABVP Pa Togan Vibhag, Garo Hills has issued a one-month ultimatum to the authorities of JNV, Mahendraganj School. The ultimatum demands not only the repair of all broken infrastructure but also the implementation of stringent measures to ensure proper maintenance. This action is imperative for the welfare of the students and faculty members.
ABVP, Pa Togan Vibhag, Garo Hills stresses that failure to meet these demands within the stipulated timeframe will leave them with no choice but to undertake strong and decisive action to rectify the situation.