On 14th August 2024, in commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of India, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Nongpoh Unit organized a Trianga Rally. The event commenced at 9:00 AM from the Ribhoi College Road and concluded at District Sport Office, Nongpoh. The rally was conducted using 75 meter long Tiranga and other small Tirangas and saw the enthusiastic participation of a more than 200 numbers of students, youth, and citizens from various walks of life.
The rally was led by prominent figures from ABVP, including Shri Tengku M. Marak, the Meghalaya State Secretary, and Miss Nibiang Sumer, a member of the Central Working Committee of ABVP. The leaders guided the rally with a strong emphasis on the spirit of nationalism and patriotism, which resonated deeply with the participants.
As the rally proceeded through the designated route, participants carried the Indian Tricolor with pride, chanting slogans that highlighted the importance of unity and the love for the nation. The event aimed to instill a sense of pride and responsibility among the youth, encouraging them to contribute positively to the country’s progress.
The rally concluded with a gathering where speeches were delivered by the leaders, emphasizing the significance of Independence Day and the role of youth in nation-building. The event was a testament to the unwavering patriotism and commitment of the people of Nongpoh and reflected the ABVP’s continuous efforts to engage the youth in constructive and meaningful activities that honor the nation’s heritage and values.