On the momentous occasion of India’s 78th Independence Day, the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly proudly unveiled two high-mast national flags in the heart of the capital city of Shillong. The flags were hoisted and inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Shri Conrad K Sangma in the presence of Hon’ble Meghalaya Legislative Assembly Speaker, Shri Thomas A Sangma, and Commissioner & Secretary, Meghalaya Legislative Assembly Dr Andrew Simons.
The first flag, standing tall with a mast height of 100 feet, faces the bustling Police Bazar, while the second flag, at 52.5 feet, is prominently positioned in front of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly (Administrative Block), Khyndailad.
The Independence Day celebration was also graced by the presence of Cabinet Ministers Shri Marcuise N Marak and Shri A.L. Hek, along with Officers and Staff of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly. The event also featured a special musical performance by The Aroha Choir, dedicated to honoring the freedom fighters of the country and the state.
Expressing his pride and joy, Hon’ble Speaker Shri Thomas A Sangma remarked, “Today, on this Independence Day, I am very proud to be unfurling the first high-mast national flags in the State.” He added that this is a proud moment for the people of Shillong and the state of Meghalaya, and that the sight of the national flag soaring high will undoubtedly evoke a deep sense of patriotism in everyone.