Deputy Chief Minister Shri. Sniawbhalang Dhar attended the International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebration on Thursday at Sein Raij Community Hall, Ummulong. Organised by District Social Welfare officer, West Jaintia Hills District Jowai in collaboration with People Welfare Development society under the theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities or an inclusive and sustainable future”
Shri. Sniawbhalang Dhar addressing the gathering, emphasised the importance of empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring their active participation in the society. He highlighted the wide range of schemes and programmes offered by the Social Welfare Department to support persons with disabilities and their families. He pointed out these initiatives aim to provide critical support in areas such as education, healthcare, skill development, livelihood opportunities and the provision of essential services. He urged the parents of persons with disabilities to take an active role in understanding and utilizing these government schemes which are meant to empower individuals with disabilities and enhance their quality of life. Shri. Dhar encouraged them to visit the Social Welfare office where the officials are readily available to guide them through the application process and provide detailed information on eligibility and benefits.
Additional Deputy Commissioner Smt. DV Lyngdoh through her motivational speech and by citing an inspiring example, encouraged persons with disabilities by emphasising that no hurdles can stop them from moving forward. She highlighted the remarkable achievement of Shri. Alexander Lyngdoh, despite being physically impaired won an International arm-wrestling award.
Shri. C.A. Ram Kyndiah from District Research Centre on Disabilities Affair, Civil Hospital Ialong emphasised the importance of enrolling for disability certificate and obtaining the Unique Disability ID (UDUD) card. He explained that the disability certificate is the first step validating an individual’s disability, making them eligible for various government benefits, including financial assistance, educational support, employment reservation and health care subsidies. The UDID card, he highlighted, serves as a single nationwide identity for persons with disabilities. Kyndiah encouraged parents and families to come forward and visit the hospital for more information.
The District Social Welfare officer Smt. Y.Najiar elaborated on the theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities or an inclusive and sustainable future.”
Shri. I. Khyriem, Lawyer, informed about the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act-2016 (RPWD Act).
The District Social Welfare officer Smt. Y.Najiar elaborated on the theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities or an inclusive and sustainable future.”
Shri. I. Khyriem, Lawyer, informed about the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act-2016 (RPWD Act).
The District Social Welfare officer Smt.Y.Najiar elaborated on the theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities or an inclusive and sustainable future.”
As part of the celebration various games and activities were organised. Medical check-up was also conducted, led by Dr L. Rymbai Medical Health Officer, Ummulong CHC and his team. Free medicines were distributed to those in need. Gifts were also distributed to all PWDs attending the programme.