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[Ma O R Shallam]

E Kynrad Ka Behdeiñkhlam Wasuk u 2024 ki 4 Sngi 3 Iaw u Man ki kat i Mon i Khe iong me. I ki khon iong me A Blai Trekirot Kyrkhu Kyrchan ia i wi pa i wi i mynsein ki khon iong me dei maya Khlem thaw chiliang ioh i u biang u tne hei ni ha Pyrthai ki khon ka Niamtre i kyrpang ha khmat – Kamjuh waroh ki Jaitbru ki Jing Ngeid wapher i juh i Kyrkhu u e dei juh i maya. Ngooh Dem o hame , map ka let ka lait ym duh hi heitu heini, E i Bneiñ i wa Rkhiang iow Pyndep i ka Kular ia me dei wa hunjruup. Yoo Luti u PDIANG hun mi Blai.

By yutip

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