No.SE(W)/ B/CS/2022-23/82/2003 Dated Nongstoin, the 07/Nov/2022
1. Sealed tenders subsequently to be drawn up in M.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender agreement duly affixed with a non-refundable court fee stamp as indicated below, are hereby invited by the il undersigns’ on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya, from the Registered Class-I P.W.D. Contractors of Meghal ya State having requisite qualifications for the under mentioned work and will be received in the office of the Superintending Engineer, P.W.D (Roads), Western Circle, Nongstoin upto 2.00 P.M. of 21.11.2022. The tenders will be opened on the same date at 2.15 P.M. in presence of the tenderers or their authorised representatives who so desire to attend. If the last date happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as the date of receiving and opening of tenders.
Detailed tender papers may be obtained from Superintending Engineer, P.W.D (Roads), Western Circle, Nongstoin from 14.11.2022 upto 18.11.2022 on payment of a non-refundable fee, per set in cash payable to the Dealing Assistant of this office on any working day, from 11.00 A.M. upto 3.00 P.M. Intending tenderers desiring to get the detailed tender papers by post shall have to send the cost of tender papers along with extra `200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred) only (non-refundable), in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order, duly pledged in favour of Superintending Engineer, P.W.D (Roads), Western Circle, Nongstoin payable at Nongstoin. However, the undersigned is not responsible for the postal delay, if any.
2. NAME OF WORK:- Construction and Upgradation of road including Metalling and Blacktopping from Thaiem to Mawsyrpat (0 — 121(m) (IN GROUPS).
3. NATURE OF WORK: – Earthwork in formation i/c HP culverts/ RC; Slab Culvert, Construction of Retaining Wall and Metalling and Blacktopping.
4.APPROX. TENDER VALUE: – `9,51,60,977.00 (Rupees: Nine Crores Fifty One Lakhs Sixty Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Seven) Only.
5. TIME OF COMPLETION:- 18 (eighteen) months from the date of issue of Final Work Order.
6. RATES: -Rates are to be quoted on flat percentage basis i.e. AT PAR / ABOVE the S.O.R. for Roads & Bridges works (Other than National Highway Works) in the District of Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Ri-Bhoi areas of Meghalaya for the year 2020-21.
7. EARNEST MONEY:- 2% (two) percent or 1 % (one) percent as applicable.
8. COURT FEE STAMP:- Rs. 400/ Rs.1000 (Per Group)
9. COST OF TENDER PAPERS:- Rs.500 (Per Group)
10. Other details can be seen in the Detailed Notice Inviting Tender.
Sd/- (James N.S. Lakiang)
Superintending Engineer, P.W.D. (Roads)
Western Circle, Nongstoin.