A one Day National Level Faculty Development Programme (FDP)on the topic ‘National Education Policy (NEP) 2020:Outcome Based Education and Essential AI tools for Teachers’was held today at Jaintia Eastern College, Khliehriat, East Jaintia Hills District which was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Jaintia Eastern College, Khliehriat in collaboration with Centre for Distance Education, NEHU, Shillong which was inaugurated by Vice-Chancellor, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong Prof. Prabha Shankar Shukla.
Also present at the inaugural function were Director, Inter-science Institute of Management & Technology Kantabada, Bhubhaneswar, Dr. S. Patnaik, former Principal of Union Christian College, Meghalaya & Resource Consultant, RUSA, Education Department, Government of Meghalaya, Dr. S. R Lyndem, Professor, Education Department NEHU, Shillong, Prof. S. M. Sungoh, Head of Department (HoD), Centre for Education, NEHU, Shillong, Prof. B. P Sahu, teachers, students and many others.

Vice-Chancellor, NorthEastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong Prof.Prabha Shankar Shuklain his address during the programme expressed his sincere gratitude to the administration of Jaintia Eastern College, Khliehriat for organising such programmes which will help benefitcolleges located in East Jaintia Hills District. Highlighting on the implementation of NEP 2020, Prof. Shukla emphasized on the significant role played by teachersin inculcating and disseminating new knowledge to the students as also intransforming the mindset of the students.
Speaking on the issue of unemployment, Prof. Shukla informed the gathering of the importance of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in helping students to engage in many skills of interest even as heal so stated that NEP 2020 will not only enhance the quality of education but will also help students to meet the ever evolving demand of the job market as also to analyse and evaluate every aspect of the students’ development to explore in multiple field seven as he also called upon the gathering to be innovative and adapt to the change for shaping the status and structure of society. Further, he also said that education is the tool of every progressive society and hence NEP 2020 will help in transforming the educational system in India with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

Furthermore, he also said that for the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, there is also a need in evaluation of teaching methodology, assessment technique and curriculum design.
Speaking on the use of AI technology, Prof. Shukla also highlighted on the impact of technology on students even as he also urged the teachers not to fully depend on technology but to useitas a toolfor evaluation of the overall performance of students and for improving their teaching techniques.
Others who spoke during the inaugural programme include Principal, Jaintia Eastern College, Dr P. Nongtdu, Coordinator IQAC, Jaintia Eastern College, Shri N. Rymbai and Faculty of Commerce, Jaintia Eastern College, Shri B. Papang.

The inaugural programme was followed by technical sessions by experts on the topics ‘Key Components of Outcome Based Education’, Outcome Based Education and Essential AI Tools for Teachers’, Assessment and Accreditation Reform: Aligning Institutional Goals with NEP 2020’ and ‘Learning Outcomes’. (DPRO, Khliehriat).