With the announcement of the General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2024 scheduled to be held on 19th April, 2024 and the Election Model Code of Conduct has already come into force with effect from 16th March 2024, the District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills in exercise of power conferred under Section 144 Cr. PC in an order issued prohibiting all the Contesting Candidates, their agents and the Political Parties as under:
1. No wall writing, pasting of posters/ papers or defacement in any other form, or erecting/ displaying of cut-outs, hoardings, banners etc. shall be permitted on any public properties/ public premises.
2. No Political Parties or Candidates will be allowed to put up banners on all roads/ thoroughfares.
3. No wall writing, paper pasting of posters/papers or defacement in any other form, or erecting/displaying of cut-outs, hoardings, banners etc. shall be permitted on any private property, private wall without WRITTEN PERMISSION from the house owners and final approval from the Office of the the District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills
4. No Election meeting would be allowed without taking permission from the Office of the District Magistrate and subsequently from the local Headmen regarding the venue of the meeting.
5. No. P.A System will be allowed to be used between 10:00 PM to 6:00 A.M
6. In case of P.A System/ Loud Speakers which are used without permission from the District Magistrate the same would be seized immediately by the local authorities.
7. No rallies and procession will be allowed without the permission from the District Magistrate.
Carrying cash above Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) by the contesting candidate or supporters is also prohibited.
The District Magistrate has also directed all Arm license Holders in the District to deposit their weapons along with Xerox copies of the license to their respective Police Station, outpost for safe custody and the same will be released after the general election to the Lok Sabha. The District Magistrate also prohibits carrying of arms by any person or persons, however the order will not apply to members of the Police Security, Paramilitary Forces who may carry arms in connection with their lawful duties.
This order will extend throughout the West Jaintia Hills. It will come into force with immediate effect and will remain in force till the Election process is over.