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Applications are invited for award of Artistes Pension under ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance
for Veteran Artistes’ from artistes who are awardees (State Awardees of National Awardees) or categorized/recognized artistes of Akashwani/Doordarshan and who can substantially prove their source of earning from the art activity during their active age and whose personal income (including income of the spouse) should not exceed Rs.4,000/- (Rupees four thousand only) per month or annual income of Rs.48,000/- (Rupees forty eight thousand only) [This excludes artiste pension assistance amount already getting by a beneficiary from the Government (i.e. concerned State Government/UT Administration)] and whose age on the date of application should not be less than 60(sixty) years.

Applications should be submitted in prescribed form through respective State Government/UT Administrations or concerned Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCS) with their recommendations. Without recommendations of State Government/UT Administrations or concerned Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCS), the application shall not be considered and rejected summarily. The application form and full details of the Scheme are available on the website of the Ministry of Culture www.indiaculture.nic.in

The application may be made online through using the Registration/login Page of Culture Scheme Monitoring System (CSMS) http://csms.nic.in/login/index.php on the website of the Ministry of Culture www.indiaculture.nic.in under the heading of ‘MOC Schemes Application’.

All entries in the application form should be legible and filled clearly. Each page of the application and enclosures should be serially numbered and signed by the applicant.

Till the Ministry of Culture allows/develops fully end-to-end receiving online application process, the hard copy of duly filled-in application form for award of Artistes Pension along with all the necessary enclosures as mentioned in the application form should be sent to “The Director, South Central Zonal Cultural Centre, 56/1, Civil Lines, Opposite MLA’s Hostel, Nagpur, Maharashtra, Pin- 440001” through respective State Government/UT Administrations with their recommendations or concerned Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCS) in the prescribed format.

It may be noted that incomplete applications and applications without the recommendation of respective State Government/UT Administrations or concerned Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCS) and necessary enclosures as mentioned in the application form will not be entertained, in any respect. 

By yutip

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